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Training by Carolina Bustamante creator of the CSR Method
Contains Practical Material Available on the web for consultation together with Theoretical PDF.
Videos of Introduction to the technique
Virtual classrooms, with expansive theoretical material for the Technique.
Recorded for later review in case of not being able to attend on time or date.
Part 1. Thoraco-Lumbar Self-Myofascial Release Protocol.
They can be taken independently of the training. It consists of two Seminars.
What is the importance of this fascia? Its close link with our abstract part (Negative) Our mind and our emotions
What are the incidences of this shrinking tissue? How are they generated? How do we liberate from the movement? And the Why of the importance for the new proprioceptive and perceptive neuromotor construction that is from the movement?
Exercise Protocol to restore the fascial and neuromuscular balance of this important Fascia, promotes health in all related areas. Proven results.
Part 2. Cervical-Thoraco-Diaphragmatic Myofascial Self-Release Protocol.
Contains Practical Material Available on the web for consultation together with Theoretical PDF.
Videos of Introduction to the technique
Virtual Classrooms Recorded for later review in case of not being able to attend on time or date.
Practical material available on the web for consultation together with theoretical PDF. Virtual classrooms with expansive theoretical material for the technique, recorded for later review in case of not being able to attend on time or date.
This exciting fascia places us in the primary triangles; Primary structures, which, like the thoracolumbar fascia, are directly connected to the primary functions: breathing, nutrition, reproduction and therefore are subject to pressure changes imposed from the nervous system through these functions.
Tensegrity at the service of economy and comfort, and directly connected to our negative structures that are somehow our points of view of reality; our mind, our emotions, are rooted in unconscious structures that have a direct impact, for example, on our freedom of respiratory movement.
Proven results. Exercise Protocol to restore the fascial and neuromuscular balance of this important Fascia, promotes health in all related areas.
The objective is to approach in a concrete and logical way, from the Systemic principles, the normalization of soft tissues (myofascia), positive field and connector (Connective Tissue) between the negative field (emotional-mental body and the positive, concrete plane of matter which is our Physical-biological body intended for every Person in resonance with this Method for their personal search, with notable proven benefits for all symptoms in reference to these key areas of our spine.
Seminars open to anyone who is linked to restoring the locomotor system, or resonated with this information and wishes to know more in depth.
Understanding the bases of the RSC Method and with it the importance of Resetting the Postural Tonic System, and the Fascial System to a neutral state; through specific tools; dissolving Retractions and Contractures generating new proprioceptive station engrams (motor engrams) in our locomotor system, which will allow the beginning of the Postural Reorganization of Being.
Module 1 / Cervical Spine - Reeducation Begins
Practice and Theoretical Material
Thoraco-Lumbar Movement Protocol.
Cervico-Thoraco-Diaphragmatic Movement Protocol.
Cervical Mobility and Shoulder Girdle Exercises.
Stability Exercises of the Cranio-cervico-scapular Tensegrity triangle.
TMJ Normalization Exercises
Module 2 / Dorsal – Lumbar Spine
Practice and Theoretical Material
Dorsal Release Protocol.
Dorso-Lumbar Mobility Exercises.
Dorso-Lumbar Tensegrity Stabilization Exercises.
Lumbo-Pelvic Stabilization Exercises.
Module 3 / Upper Limb
Practice and Theoretical Material
Upper Limb Tensegrity Normalization Protocol.
Tensegrity Freedom Exercises of the Triangles involved.
Scapulo-humeral stability exercises.
Movement amplitude exercises under physical laws.
Module 4 / Lower Limb
Practice and Theoretical Material
Hip-Lower Limb Self-Myofascial Release Protocol.
Postural Pattern Recognition
Hip-Lower Limb Tensegrity Normalization Exercises.
Normalization Exercises of Joint Congruence of the Lower Limb.
Hip-Lower Limb Stabilization Exercises.
Module 5 / Techniques under systemic principles
This module is face-to -face and can be done at any of the venues and dates.
It is not correlative.
Once you have completed the CSR instructor course or by taking it, you will be able to take the subjects for the complete training.
Bio/Logic Psyche
By Analia Tus. Bioconsultant Decoder of Biological and Reality Fields. Ontological Coach. instructor CSR
Astrology and Flower Therapy
By Pamella Rolla. Astrologer, floral therapist, reiki master, tarot reader, initial level teacher. Bioconnection. CSR Instructor co-director of the Somos Tida Project.
FAB Physiology and Anatomy Basic.
In charge of Lic. and Osteopath –DO MROA. Graciela Vitangeli.
Postural analysis under the gaze of Osteopathy.
In charge of the Lic. and Osteopath -DO MROA Instructor CSR Graciela Vitangeli.
Strength development in the RSC stabilization model
Led by Lic. and researcher Gabriel Pidello. National and international reference in research in the Pilates method.
Applied Clinical Posturology.
In charge of Lic. and Osteopath Leandro wachtmeister.
Breathing Techniques and chinese medicine
Led by Joaquín Oyhanarte.
Food as medicine from the perspective ayurveda.
Dr. Victoria Smaltino.