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The RSC self-liberation protocols are the way to reconnect with your body and its self-regulation. Did you know that your brain coordinates all motor functions through orders that it sends to your muscles and fasciae, these are motor engrams, and they are responsible for some of the ailments of your body; and that is why, through movements and the tensioning of RSC, they contemplate that your brain will always be alert to what you are tensing and forcing and that if in some way you demand more, the receptors of your fascias and your muscles inform, this not only inhibits the formation of new engrams also increases your retraction and therefore often the pain. The good news is that just as it generates them we can de-construct them. pain, inflammation, discomfort, lack of mobility, among others. When performing movements under the paradigms of economy and comfort, neurological plasticity is expanded, just like that of your body. The movement activates the assembly of propiceptive stations. This does not happen in the same way with induction stimulation, for example a massage! What is proprioception? In simple words, they are neuro-motor stations of perception of your body, which many times, if not educated, does not tell the truth; So sometimes we walk and when we observe ourselves in a reflection we see that we are bent or crooked but we had not perceived it, this is because our brain uses its perception for vital and basic posture functions and that is why we have so many postural alterations throughout the years. All this understanding that each one of us inhabits a Being; this means that I have to contemplate and listen to my emotions, my thoughts that directly give information to my body, something that happens with the classic example of when we blush!!! That is why the Breathing tool, to connect with my feeling and release from there is fundamental!!! and everything begins in our first act of connection with this plane and that is when we are born!! I wait for you to reconnect with the body and from there with all your BEING!!



Thoraco-lumbar Myofascial Self-Release Course.

Self-management mode.


This course will allow you to free yourself from tensions in the lower area of the spine (dorso-lumbar) that are often derived from the retraction imposed on the thoraco-lumbar fascia. You will obtain a decrease in pain in the areas involved, greater freedom of movement, guaranteeing improvements in your motor gestures, both sporting and those that guarantee your quality of life. Prevent future injuries that are generated by tissue retraction. And empower your being and your body perception that is the pharmacy of the Locomotor system. Course #001


Cervical Stress Myofascial Self-Release Course

Self-management mode


This course will allow you to free yourself from tensions in the upper area of the spine (head neck) that are often derived from the retraction imposed on the cevico-thoraco-diaphragmatic fascia. You will obtain a decrease in pain in the areas involved, greater freedom of movement, Breathing improvements; guaranteeing improvements in your motor gestures, both sporting and those that guarantee your quality of life. Prevent future injuries that are generated by tissue retraction. And empower your being and your body perception that is the pharmacy of the Locomotor system. Course #002

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